Have you heard the story of Willow Tufano? She planted a
Money Tree and is watching it grow into an orchard.
Check out this video of Willow’s chat with Ellen Degeneres:
So, she bought a
house for $12,000. It’s now worth $80,000.
But, rather than sell it, she decided to rent it out and let it provide
an income while the market continued to improve. But with no mortgage payments,
that’s straight income. Soon after, she purchased a second home for $17,500.
That’s like planting a second Money Tree.

Of course, Willow’s endeavors haven’t been completely
without headache. She did have a hiccup when her renters skipped town and left
the rent unpaid. That’s why I always recommend that renters be prepared for
such eventualities. Since Willow wasn’t banking on that rent payment to pay a
mortgage, it was nothing more than a speed bump.
If a 14-year old can come up with this plan instinctively,
how much more can YOU carry it out with the right tools in hand?
Money Tree is a strategic guide for producing
long-term wealth through real estate. Using the time-tested principles
of sowing and reaping, Money Tree details a five-year plan for becoming a millionaire through real estate.
Whether a seasoned or novice investor, the system outlined in Money Tree is for everyone who is ready to life-changing results. Money Tree
is your road map to becoming a millionaire in five years. No matter
what your current financial situation is, or what you believe your
limitations to be, author Nelson Camp has the answer.
Nelson Camp, M Ed, 2012 Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine's Alternative Investor of the Year